"Bach-consort" (Moscow) - an early music ensemble with period instruments and one-per-part cast - was founded in 2007. The repertoire is focused on barock and Renaissance music: Bach, Buxtehude, Vivaldi, Rosenmueller, Purcell, Telemann, Monteverdi, Italian and English madrigalists. The concert programmes of Bach-consort include both well known (such as B-minor Mass by Bach, Magnificat and Gloria by Vivaldi etc.) and rarely performed pieces.
The flexibility and subtle emotional contact within the group helps the ensemble to explore the wide range of chamber repertoire. The singers's experience allows both choral and solo stuff to be performed equally successful. The most masterly and charismatic Moscow instrumentalists are members of the group. The Bach-consort with its great pleasure collaborates with European colleagues such as Maurice van Lieshout, Riccardo Minasi, Carsten Eckert.
The ensemble performs a lot in Russia, mostly in Moscow and Sanct-Petersburg, and also in Europe ("Russian Christmas in Vienna", recorded and broadcasted by ORF; concerts in Rome, 2010 and Vienna, 2012)
Liliya Gaysina Soprano
Yulia Mikkonen Alto
Andrey Krasavin Tenor
Anton Tutnov Bass
Vladislav Pesin barock violine
Marina Katarzhnova barock violine, barock viola
Tatiana Fedyakova barock violine, barock viola, viola da gamba
Rust Posumsky barock violine, barock viola, viola da gamba
Alexander Gulin barock cello, viola da gamba
Grigory Krotenko violone, viola da gamba
Anastasia Braudo Organ
Asya Grechisheva theorbo, lute